Independence was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect at JAGRUTHI organization primises Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam District. The ceremony started at 10.30 AM in the Organisation open ground with society members, staff, Auto union members.
Mr V.V. Subrahmanyam, C.E.O. welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest Mr. K.Ramakrishna. Managing Director , JAGRUTHI MACTS Ltd.
The Chief Guest to Commemorate the sovereignty of our nation, the Chief Guest unfurled the tricolor flag and all in unison sang the National Anthem and expressed the joy of our freedom.
Mr. Ramakrisahna shared his views on the significance of the day. The students of Choir group sang the Patriotic song that awakened everyone’s feelings towards our Mother Land. The Chief Guest of the function Mr. Ramakrisahna,said “he is happy to notice that today’s Staff think about the freedom and it is necessary to inculcate within us. The true freedom means when we make our country corruption free.” and people while a large section of middle-class India remains oblivious to caste-based discrimination.
The Programme concluded up with the Vote of thanks by Mr. V.V. Subrahmanyam, CEO. At the end sweets were distributed to the participants.

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