On the occasion of "INTERNATIONAL OZONE DAY" on 16-09-2016 -- IIAM college( Integral Institute of advanced management) conducted the environmental events, Power point presentations and Display Models. 2nd year IT students from Gayatri Engineering College (Autonomous)Visakhapatnam , the team "ECO MINIONS" participated and displayed about solid waste management, kitchen compost. All the other Engineering College Students have Participated in this occasion with various other presentations. "ECO MINIONS" team got 1st prize in the event. "ECO MINIONS" followed the Ideology adopted from Jagruthi and Paryavarana Margadarshi Vaisakhi. PMV President Sri K. Vijaya Kumar ,convener Sri J.Ratnam and Jagruthi Secretary Sri. K. Ramakrishna P.M.V members appreciated the Students.

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