The Agriculture Scientist Dr. P.B. Pradeep Kumar and Dr. KK. Mosha From Acharya N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY visited to JAGRUTHI Society on 25-October- 2016 and attend the 228th Delegates and Directors meeting. They would like work together the JAGRUTHI members in Agriculture field through (DAATT) District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centre, Visakhapatnam.
The DAATT Centre concept that every research scientist should also be an extension worker in serving farmers, the University works in active association and close co-operation with farmers through frequent farmer-scientist interactions joint and diagnostic field visits enabled University scientists to earn good will confidence and credibility of farmers.
In order to reinforce and strengthen this mode of approach to solve many problems and complicated issues of farmers with ease, the University reorganized its extension activities by establishing the "District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centers" at all the 22 district head quarters in the state, barring Hyderabad urban district during 1998. Presently each DAATT Centre has 3 scientists having specialized in crop production, Crop protection, transfer of technology and Veterinary. It is ultimately proposed to station eight scientists and each center.
JAGRUTHI planned to Provide Agriculture services and inputs to members through DAATT Centre Visakhapatnam.
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