Paryavarana Margadarsi Vaisakhi(PMV) was formed under the leadership of Dr. S. Vijaya Kumar, Chairman of Vijay Nirman Company to make the city of Visakhapatnam a world class role model in all aspects with ecological balance for a sustainable healthy life to the present and also to the future. We all have a responsibility to keep the Environment clean; it is not just to ourselves and the people we care for, but also for the future generations. Lets come together to protect our environment to live sustainable. In this context Paryavarana Margadarsi Vaisakhi was formed to create awareness among the people of Visakhapatnam with implementation of successful models in the following seven verticals:
1. Solid Waste management
2. Save Trees – Plant Tree
3. Conserve Water Resources
4. Management of Drains and Ponds
5. Mosquitoes – Must “quittos”
6. Prevent Pollution
7. Toy lets – Joy lets
Paryavarana Margadarsi Vaisakhi (PMV) has also formed CORE TEAM - in that JAGRUTHI(Dr. S. Vijaya Kumar, Chairman of Vijay Nirman Company is also the president of this NGO) is one in that core team and other eco friendly supporters also included in PMV core team.
As a fast growing city, Visakhapatnam needs to concentrate on sustainable natural practices and we look forward towards Andhra University to be a role model university in promoting ecological demonstrations to the people of the city of Visakhapatnam for making it an “Eco friendly smart city” with sustainable practices of urban gardening models .
To promote this ecological demonstration on 10th September 2016 our PMV president had an MOU with Andhra University to promote ecological demonstration to the people of visakhapatnam. In this MOU event Andhra University VC Acharya Nageswar Rao Garu , Registrar Acharya Umamaheshwar Rao Garu , Acharya Naryana Garu , Dean Sri Venkata Krishna Garu , AU Chief Engineer Sri G.Madhav Babu Garu and our PMV President Sri S.Vijay Kumar Garu exchanged the MOU papers.
To implement the activity in AU the PMV , JAGRUTHI , engineering student volunteers participated to deforest the area(5 acres of land) and clean the building which was given by AU. In the presence of PMV president Dr.S.Vijay Kumar the engineering student volunteers formed their group as ECO MINIONS. ECO MINIONS wants to work with PMV,JAGRUTHI to make visakhapatnam an ECO FRIENDLY SMART CITY.
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