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The JAGRUTHI Organization is working for the welfare of the poor, vulnerable and deprived communities to receive equal opportunities and knowledge by claiming their rights.  For this, the organization is working in the villages to change their village environment regarding safe water, good sanitation and cultivating good hygiene behaviors along with adopting good updated technological knowledge to move faster like others in the society.

The organization had formed 40 farmer club’s in Sabbavaram mandal to bring change in  farming activity, adopting technology, marketing and utilization of local resources through organic culture.  The organization is conducting periodical meetings to transfer the knowledge on farming activities by acquiring updated trends in cultivation to bargain good price.

The organization had cultivated the habit of savings among the rural communities to avail the loan facility through their credit amounts in the JAGRUTHI MACT Society.  The organization had enrolled 14000 members in Sabbavaram and Paravada mandals of Visakhapatnam District.  and organizing so many trainings and meetings to transfer the knowledge on Cashless Transactions to minimize the usage of cash flow.  For this, the organization had introduced Swiping machines to in collecting of thrift and credit from the members of the JAGRUTHI MACT Society

The organization had taken the Eruvada and Vangali villages as  villages as Smart village and smart Ward concept to bring the change in Water, Sanitation and cultivating hygiene behaviors to increase their alternate livelihood opportunities to add their incomes.  In this regard, the organization had motivated the communities to construct individual latrines and use those to cultivate the habit of using sanitary latrines instead of open defecation.  Now, the village sanitation had improved and everybody is taking the responsibility in maintaining the village sanitation along with PRI members.

The organization had formed village development committees to discuss their village problems and prioritize those problems along with define their roles and responsibilities in solving their problems.  The organization is always playing a facilitation role to emerge the communities in this Swatch Bharat concept.  

The District Authorities had appreciated the   efforts made by the JAGRUTHI team members in adjoining their shoulders in government programs and its ideology.   By recognizing the services of the JAGRUTHI the  District collector and Minister of Panchayat Raj Sri Ayyanna Patrudu, Velagalapudi Krishna Babu  MLA of Visakhpatnam and other people’s representatives had honored the  Executive Secretary of JAGRUTHI Sri Rama Krishna Garu for its best contributions in emerge the rural communities in Swatch Bharat and Digital transactions    for their better future.  In this aspect, they honored the JAGRUTHI Secretary by giving Certificate in the 4th JANAMABHOMMI Program at Visakhapatnam on 12/1/2017. 

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