Rs : 20,000/- Insurance claim Cheque was issued to JMACTS member Sri Bonda Satya Rao (late) to his Nominee Smt Bonda Jayalakshmi ( wife ) in Presence of Center Leader Smt....
Rs : 20,000/- Insurance claim Cheque was issued to JMACTS member Smt Balireddy Varahalamma (late) to his Nominee Sri BoddaPalli Appalaraju ( Son In Law ) in Presence of Center...
Rs : 10,000/- Insurance claim Cheque was issued to JMACTS member Sri Andiboyena Nagaraju (late) to his Nominee Smt. Andiboyena Santhosi Kumari ( Doughter In Law ) in Presence of...
INAUGURATION OF FARMER’S CLUBSJAGRUTHI Society is as been working on the technology transfer among farmers and motivating farmers to play key role as an intermediary between...